
Update: Everything

Well I think I've left you all waiting long enough without an update on the homestead. I know, I know, I'm sure you check every day. Your wait is over.

We lost two chickens this winter. We suspect a fox that's been hanging around. One afternoon I got home from work to shut the chickens in for the night (we have been letting them loose during the day) and only counted 6 or the 8. We'd like to think they were taken earlier that day, but truth be told we aren't 100% certain when they were taken.

Chaga has been doing his best to chase the fox away, and I've been doing my best at keeping one hand on the shotgun before I let him out. And of course, as soon as I set a trap out for him he hasn't been around. Go Figure.

We have a new order of chicks coming in June. This year we figured we'd start late so we can keep them outside right away. We plan on turning the existing permanent coop into a glamorous brooder, something we couldn't do this time of year. We're getting mostly meat birds this year, and some replacement layers. The meat birds should only take about 8 weeks to reach butcher weight. All will be out on pasture.

Our current flock of layers will be put out to pasture any weekend now. It hasn't been too cold for them for quite some time now.

The buildings are coming along, slow but sure. Yes, I said buildings. I'm building a combination chicken coop and woodshed in addition to the barn/shop. I tor down the woodshed I built from scrap. It was supposed to be temprorary anyways. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

With spring, I plan to bring more pictures.

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